Saturday, February 13, 2010

RHEL-CentOS cluster.conf Schema Description


* name (required): The name of the cluster you have configured.
* config_version (required): Specifies a revision number for the cluster.conf file.
In order to successfully propagate a new configuration file,
this parameter must be higher than current value, i.e. monotonically increasing order.
* Alias: Pretty name for cluster that is not parsed by cluster
tag software; only the gui uses this value.

Example: ==== ====
Tag: Fence_xvm daemon startup flag
Note: This tag is optional. fence_xvmd is an I/O Fencing host which resides on dom0 and is used in conjunction with the fence_xvm fencing agent. Together, these two programs can be used to fence can be used to fence Xen virtual machines which are part of a cluster. There is a requirement that the parent dom0s are also a part of their own CMAN/OpenAIS based cluster, and that the dom0 cluster does not share any members with the domU cluster. Furthermore, the dom0 cluster is required to have fencing if domU recovery is expected to be automatic.
Parent Tag:

* family (Optional): IP family to use (auto, ipv4, or ipv6; default = auto)
* multicast_address (Optional): Multicast address to listen on (default= for ipv4, ff02::3:1 for ipv6)
* port (Optional): Port to use (default=1229)
* auth (Optional): Authentication type (none, sha1, sha256, sha512; default=sha256). This controls the authentication mechanism used to authenticate clients. The three SHA hashes use a key which must be shared between both the Xen virtual machines and the host domain-0 cluster. The three SHA authentication mecha- nisms use a simple bidirectional challenge-response based on pseudo- random number generation and a shared private key.
* hash (Optional): Packet hash type (none, sha1, sha256, sha512; default=sha256). This controls the hashing mechanism used to authenticate fencing requests. The three SHA hashes use a key which must be shared between both the Xen virtual machines and the host domain-0 cluster.
* key_file (Optional): Use the specified key file for packet hashing / SHA authentication. When both the hash type and the authentication type are set to "none" (or not used), this parameter is ignored.
* use_uuid=1 (Optional): Fence by UUID instead of Xen Domain name.

Tag: OpenAIS msg transport protocol
Parent Tag:

* token (Optional): This timeout specifies in milliseconds until a token loss is declared after not receiving a token. This is the time spent detecting a failure of a processor in the current configuration. Reforming a new configuration takes about 50 milliseconds in addition to this timeout.

The default is 10000 milliseconds.
* token_retransmits_before_loss_const (Optional): This timeout specifies in milliseconds after how long before receiving a token the token is retransmitted. This will be automatically calculated if token is modified. It is not recommended to alter this value without guidance from the openais community.

The default is 20 milliseconds.
* join (Optional): This timeout specifies in milliseconds how long to wait for join messages in the membership protocol.

The default is 60 milliseconds.
* consensus (Optional): This timeout specifies in milliseconds how long to wait for consensus to be achieved before starting a new round of membership configuration.

The default is 4800 milliseconds.

Tag: CMAN service configuration
Parent Tag:

Parent Tag:
o addr: Address for multicasting.
Cman can be configured to use multicast instead
of broadcast (broadcast is used by default if no
multicast parameters are given.) Example: ==== ====
Tag: Fence Daemon Configuration
Parent Tag:
o post_join_delay: The number of seconds the daemon will wait before
fencing any victims after a node joins the domain.
o post_fail_delay: The number of seconds the daemon will wait before
fencing any victims after a domain member fails.
o clean_start: Used to prevent any start up fencing the daemon might
do. It indicates that the daemon should assume all nodes
are in a clean state to start.
Example: ==== ====
A Note On Fencing
Fencing is specified within the cluster.conf file in two places. The first place is within the tag. Any device used for fencing a node must be defined here as a first. This applies to power switches (APC, WTI, etc.) with multiple ports that are able to fence multiple cluster nodes, as well as fabric switches and baseboard management fence strategies (iLO, RSA, IPMI, Drac, etc.) that are usually 1 to 1 in nature; that is, one specified fence device is able to fence only one node. After defining the fence devices to be used in the cluster, it is necessary to associate the fence device listings with specific cluster nodes. The second place that fencing is specified within cluster.conf is within the tag. Beneath the tag, is a tag. Beneath the tag is one or more tag sets. Within a tag set, is a tag set. This is where the actual association between and node takes place. A tag has a required "name" attribute that refers to the name of one of the 's specified in the section of cluster.conf. More about blocks: A method block is like a fence level. If a primary fence method is selected, yet the user wants to define a backup method in case the first fence method fails, this is done by defining two d blocks for a cluster node, each with a unique name parameter. The fence daemon will call each fence method in the order they are specified under the tag set. Fence specification within cluster.conf offers one other feature for customizing fence action. Within a block, it is allowable to list more than one . This is useful when fencing a node with redundant power supplies, for example. The fence daemon will run the agent for each device listed within a block before determining success or failure.
Tag: Contains all fencing device information.
Parent Tag:
Attributes: None
Tag: Information about one fence device in particular.
Parent Tag:
o name (required by ALL fence devices): Name of the fence device.
o agent (required by ALL fence devices): Specifies fence agent to be used. See
agent list in Table 1 below.
o The following tables list attributes depending on which fence agent is used (all of these attributes listed below are attributes):
Type: APC Power Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_apc
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port switch outlet port
switch Optional: switch number when ganging Masterswitch Plus switches
option Action required. 'Reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'Off' or 'On'

Type: Brocade Fabric Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_brocade
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port switch port
option Action required. 'disable' (default action if this attr is not present)
or 'enable'

Type: McData SAN Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_mcdata
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port switch port
option Action required. 'disable' (default action if this attr is not present)
or 'enable'

Type: QLogic SANBox2
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_sanbox2
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port switch port
option Action required. 'disable' (default action if this attr is not present)
or 'enable'

Type: IBM Blade Center
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_bladecenter
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
blade the blade to operate on
option Action required. 'disable' (default action if this attr is not present)
or 'enable'

Type: Bull PAP
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_bullpap
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
domain Domain of the BullPAP system to power cycle
option Action required. 'reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'on' or 'off'

Type: IPMI Lan
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_ipmilan
ipaddr IP address of the device.
login login name for device.
passwd password.
auth Authentication Type: none, 'password', 'md2', or 'md5'
lanplus Use lanplus: 'True' or '1'; leave
out for false (only in RHEL4.5 CS and later)
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
option Action required. 'reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'on' or 'off'

Type: WTI Power Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_wti
ipaddr IP address of the device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port The switch outlet port to power cycle

Type: Vixel SAN Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_vixel
ipaddr IP address of the device.
passwd password.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
port The switch port to remove zoning from

Type: HP ilo (Integrated Lights Out)
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_ilo
hostname Hostname or IP Address of the device.
login Login for the device.
passwd password for the device.
ribcl RIBCL protocol version to use. Default action
if this attr is not present is to autodetect
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
action Action required. 'reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'on' or 'off'
force Optional parameter. If set to '1' (force='1'), status will not be initially checked before fencing. The use of this
attribute significantly speeds up fencing on this device type.

Type: Global Network Block Device (GNBD)
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_gnbd
servers A whitespace separated list of servers
name reference to the fence device name attribute above

Type: Egenera SAN Controller
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_egenera
cserver The cserver to ssh to...the cserver can
be of the form user@hostname to log in as a particular user
esh The path to the esh command on the cserver
(default is /opt/pan-mgr/bin/esh if this attr is not present)
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
lpan The lpan to use
pserver The pserver to fence for this node
action Action required. 'reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'on' or 'off'

name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_rsa
ipaddr IP Address or Hostname of the device.
login Login for the device.
passwd password for the device.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
option Action required. 'Reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'On' or 'Off'

Type: RPS10 Serial Switch
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_rps10
device Device name.
port Port to fence.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above

Type: Dell DRAC
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_drac
ipaddr Hostname or IP Address of the device.
login Login for the device.
passwd password for the device.
drac_version Force fence agent to use a particular version of DRAC
firmware. The default action when not including this
attr is to auto-detect
cmd_prompt Optional: Force fence_drac to use this value as the command prompt.
name reference to the fence device name attribute above
action Action required. 'reboot' (default action if this attr is not present)
'on' or 'off'
modulename Optional: used when employing DRAC/MC multi-chassis version

Type: Manual Fencing
name reference name for this device within the conf file
agent fence_manual
name reference to the fence device name attribute above

Example: ==== ====
Tag: Cluster Nodes Configuration: contains 1 or more tags.>br/> Parent Tag:
Attributes: None
Tag: Per Node configuration
Parent Tag:
+ name(Required): The hostname or IP Address of the node
+ votes(Optional - default is 1): number of votes node can cast
+ nodeid (Required): Each node must have a unique integer value node ID. A node’s application to join the cluster
may be rejected if you try to set the nodeid to one that
is already used.
Example: ==== ====
Tag: fencing information for the node.
Parent Tag:
Attributes: None
Tag: defines a method for fencing the machine.
Parent Tag:
* name (required): name for the fencing method, if GUI generated, it is a number.
Tag: The device used to fence the node
Parent Tag:
Attributes: See section of this document for agent specific attributes for the tag.
Example: ==== ====
Tag: The RM block holds resources, failover domains and any number of 'group' (\= resourcegroup) blocks
Parent Tag:
o log_level (Optional): An integer 0-7, inclusive for all
levels less than the selected. 0, system is unusable, emergency;
1 action must be taken immediately;
2, critical conditions;
3, error conditions;
4, warning conditions;
5, normal but significant condition;
6, informational;
7, debug-level messages.
o log_facility The facility is one of the following keywords:
auth, authpriv, cron, daemon, kern, lpr, mail, news, syslog,
user, uucp and local0 through local7.
o Example: ==== ====
Tag: All the tags go under here. Parent Tag: Attributes: None
Tag: Specify properties of specific failover domains Parent Tag: Attributes:
o name (Required): the name of the failover domain
o ordered: Set value to '1' if the failover domain is ordered, '0' if not - default is unordered.
o restricted: Set value to '1' if failover domain is restricted, '0' if not - default is unrestricted.
Tag: An individual node within a failover domain. Parent Tag: Attributes:
o name (Required): name of the node.
o priority (Required): a number representing the priority, with lower numbers having higher priority.
Example: ==== ====

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Darwin Streaming Server On RHEL/Fedora for Mobile Phones

Step 1

yum -y install vlc

yum -y install perl-Net-SSLeay



wget # if you got .rpm



wget #patch for Linux x86-64 platform

Disabling MP3 streaming

You may choose to run a different server, such as Icecast or Shoutcast for MP3 streaming. If you do that, you may like to disable MP3 streaming in Darwin Streaming Server. Do this by changing the option for mp3_streaming_enabled under the MODULE section for QTSSMP3StreamingModule from true to false. E.g.:


Disabling all authentication

You can disable all authentication for the whole of Darwin Streaming Server by editing the file /etc/streaming/streamingserver.xml and by changing the option for Authenticate under the MODULE section for QTSSAdminModule from true to false. E.g.:


options if require patch -p0 < dss-6.0.3.patchkillall -9 DarwinStreamingServerTo change the administrator account from the default password of “password” use the following command:qtpasswd administratorSo DSS starts at boot up run the following:chkconfig --level 345 dss on Configuring Darwin Streaming ServerNow open a browser and point the address to http://:1220 and log in with the username administrator and the password you choose when running qtpasswd.

You can now test your install by opening QuickTime on a client (either Windows or the Mac) and using one of the sample files installed by Darwin.

File > Open URL and type rtsp:///

Save the file and upload the file to server. Move the file to /var/dss/movies; open QuickTime and select File > Open URL and type rtsp:/// and the file should stream.

#vlc -vvv v4l2:///dev/video0:input=1:width=128:height=96:adev=hw.1,0:samplerate=32000 --sout '#transcode{venc=ffmpeg{keyint=1},vcodec=mp4v,vb=100k,acodec=mp4a,fps=10,ab=8k,channels=1,samplerate=16000}:rtp{mp4a-latm,dst=,port-audio=20000,port-video=20002,ttl=127,name=CHANNEL,sdp=file:///usr/local/movies/channel.sdp}'


* v4l2:///dev/video0 is the video device you want you want to stream,
* input=1 is the input channel of the video device (0 - tv tuner, 1 - composite),
* width=128:height=96 is the width and height of the input video signal to fetch by VLC,
* adev=hw.1,0 is the alsa audio device to capture audio from,
* samplerate=32000 is the input sample rate of the audio live feed,
* venc=ffmpeg is the encoder used (in this case it's ffmpeg, but you can use x264),
* {keyint=1} is the advanced ffmpeg encoder switches,
* vcodec=mp4v is video codec used to encode this live video feed (in this case it's MPEG4),
* vb=100k is the video bitrate (100 kbits/s is this case),
* acodec=mp4a is the audio codec used (is this case it's AAC),
* fps=10 is the frame rate of the video feed,
* ab=8k is the audio bitrate (is this case 8 kbits/s),
* mp4a-latm is only used for aac audio, it activates a different payload format for aac,
* dst= is the destination IP, where Darwin Streaming Server is hosted,
* ttl=127 is the value of the TTL (Time To Live) of your IP packets (which means that the stream will be able to cross 126 routers),
* sdp=file:///usr/local/movies/channel.sdp is where to create the SDP file for live streaming with Darwin Streaming Server (it should be inside of the DSS movies folder),
* name=CHANNEL is the name of the live video feed.

Tested on Nokia N73 and SE K800.

There is a small problem with some Nokia phones and Darwin Streaming Servers, that need a line to be edited in the created SDP file (for example):

* from b=RR:0 to b=RR:800

After running this command from console, you can access it from your mobile phone or VLC or any player that supports RTSP protocol

* rtsp://


* is the IP address of the machine where DSS is running.

Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

Step 2


sudo yum install build-essential wget
sudo addgroup --system qtss
sudo adduser --system --no-create-home --ingroup qtss qtss

tar -xvf DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.tar
mv DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.orig
patch -p0 < dss-6.0.3.patch
mv DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source.orig DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
patch -p0 < dss-hh-20080728-1.patch
#need to answer n then y
cd DarwinStreamingSrvr6.0.3-Source
mv Install Install.orig
chmod +x Install
sudo ./Install

Monday, February 1, 2010

Straming Server Linux Red 5 Installation

REyou need to have:
# chmod 755 jdk-1_5_0-linux-i586.bin

Install Apache Ant Ant 1.7:

tar -zxf apache-ant-1.7.0-bin.tar.gz
sudo mv apache-ant-1.7.0 /opt/ant # you don't need this
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant
sudo ln -s /opt/ant/bin/ant /usr/bin/ant # shortcut - you sould now be able to use ant

now let’s get red5

svn co red5


tar -zxf red5-0.6.3.tar.gz
mv red5-0.6.3 red5

now we have red5 directory containing red5 sources.

next step is compilation - before that we might want to provide proper patches to java and ant

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/
export ANT_HOME=/opt/ant/ # or other directory if you don't have root

now let’s compile

cd red5
/opt/ant/bin/ant prepare
/opt/ant/bin/ant dist

now directory “dist” contains compiled and ready to run server

cd dist

# or
# ant server

red5 should now run http server on port 5080 and rtmp service on port 1935

so let’s navigate to:


Sunday, January 31, 2010

Squid Proxy server

The Squid is a good proxy server. Its configuration is very simple. Please use the following procedures.

1) Most of the standard distributions have squid packages in its repository. If you are using fedora, RHEL or centos please do the following procedurea

# yum install squid -y

If your in debian or Ubundu please use the following,

# apt-get install squid

2) Now open the squid configuration file “squid.conf” . In general it will be in /etc/squid/squid.conf . Now modify/ add the following lines.

visible_hostname machine-name
http_port 3128
cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 1000 16 256
access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid

3) Now add the following in the acl section.

acl our_networks src
http_access allow our_networks

Here the is your local IP /netmask

4) Now start the squid server

# /etc/rc.d/init.d/squid start

5) Now configure your web browser as follows. ( It is my firefox configuration )

Go to Preferences -> connection settings -> manual Proxy configurations
Now configure your proxy server IP and port ( 3128)
Now click Ok.

This is the most simplest proxy server configurations over network.