Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Using Amazon Web Services

This presentation assumes you have never used Amazon Web Services (AWS) in any way. We will step through a tutorial to create an AWS account, login, start a server, and access the running server on the Internet.

❖ AWS - Amazon Web Services
❖ EC2 - Elastic Compute Cloud
❖ S3 - Simple Storage Service

❖ Access Key ID
❖ Secret Access Key
❖ Account Number
❖ X.509 Private Key File
❖ X.509 Certificate File

Register for EC2/S3

Launching a server

❖ Elastic IP
❖ Elastic Block Store
❖ Custom AMIs
❖ Elastic Fox
❖ S3 Fox
❖ AWS CLI tools

1 comment:

mapserver hosting said...

I have had the chance of using Amazon web services a couple of time before along with a friend of mine. Though, I wasn't an expert at that time but the information you provided is just an extension of what I have already gone through but this one does answer the question why which was unanswered the last time I had been there.