Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cluster How to CentOS / RedHat 6.2

Step # 1: Mount an ISO file.

# mkdir -p /media/centos
# mount -o loop /dev/centos6X.iso /media/centos

Step # 2: Create repo config file on both the node.

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/iso.repo

Save and close the file

Step # 3: Stop firewall on both node.

#chkconfig iptables off
#chkconfig ip6tables off

Step # 4: Disable Selinux.

#vi /etc/selinux/config
disbale selinux

reboot (if you want)

Step # 5: Add hosts entery on both node.

#vi /etc/hosts (add this entery to both the node)

Step # 6: Create a ricci user & passwd.

#useradd ricci
#passwd ricci

Step # 7: Install Cluster software.

#yum install cman rgmanager luci ricci (on 1st node)
#yum install cman rgmanager ricci

Step # 8: Start service on both node

#service ricci start (on both the node)

Shutting down ricci:
Starting oddjobd:                                          [  OK  ]
generating SSL certificates...  done
Generating NSS database...  done
Starting ricci:                                            [  OK  ]

#service luci start (on 1st node only)
service luci restart
Stop luci...                                               [  OK  ]
Start luci...                                              [  OK  ]
Point your web browser to (or equivalent) to access luci

Step # 9: Open the firefox.

login as root & root passwd

Follow the snap short or you watch youtube to create a Cluster on following link


ryanp said...

any opinion on using corosync/pacemaker versus ricci/luci?

I just started working on creating a clustered system and have set it up with Pacemaker.

Wondering if I should look into Luci as an alternative?

Anonymous said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

Anonymous said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

Anonymous said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

Anonymous said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

Anonymous said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

kumar019 said...

This is great work thanks but u need to explain at lease why are u doing this steps that would me much appreciate

Phani Kumar

Anonymous said...

Why disable (you made an typo in disabling selinux) selinux and iptables? There is no need to disable them, disabling selinux is always a very bad idea. If you don't want it in any way interfering permissive is the best option.