Wednesday, December 25, 2013

KVM Virsh Console Access to Linux VM – RHEL 6

The console command within virsh is an excellent feature to have working for your virtual environments. For example, it can be really handy to watch a machine boot without launching a GUI tool ie. virt-manager. I personally find virsh console access a quicker way to configure networking settings which may not be able to be achieved via SSH, other than using virt-manager.

Step 1: Configure Serial Terminal
On your new RHEL 6 virtual machine, you’ll need to configure ttyS0. This serial interface is how “virsh console” gains access to your virtual machine.

Log into your virtual machine…

Create new ttyS0 config file.

Step 2: Allow login into ttyS0
By default RHEL 6 will not allow a user to login via ttyS0 unless we modify security.

Step 3: Start ttyS0
Make ttyS0 available, from your terminal execute the following command.

Step 3: Test Virsh Console
From your KVM server, connect to the console of your virtual machine.

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