Thursday, January 19, 2012

Installation TAR lates version on Cent OS /RedHat 4 /5

tar zxvf tar-1.26.tar.gz
cd tar-1.26
make install
cp -f src/tar /usr/local/bin/tar

once log off and login 

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ports for RHEV-M

Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager  required following ports.

Port(s)PurposeRemote End
  • Used for maintenance of the virtualization hosts.
  • Administration Portal clients
  • User Portal clients
  • Virtualization hosts
  • REST API clients
  • Administration Portal clients
  • User Portal clients
  • Virtualization hosts
  • REST API clients
  • Virtualization hosts
  • Virtualization hosts
  • Administration Portal clients   

Open the Command Prompt (Run --> cmd ) on your windows machine and run these below script that will open all the required ports .

c:\> for /D %p in 
do (netsh firewall add portopening protocol 
= TCP port = %p name = RHEVM%p) 
c:\> netsh firewall set icmpsetting 8 enable

Friday, January 6, 2012

EMC PowerPath basic commands RedHat /CentOS

PowerPath is a multipathing software for Unix operating systems from EMC. If you have ever worked or you are going to work in an environment that includes EMC storage systems it is more than sure that Powerpath will be installed in the Unix hosts.
Following are some notes and tips I’ve been creating since the very first time I found Powerpath, of course this isn’t a full user guide but a sort of personal quick reference. I decide to put it here in the hope that it will be helpful to anyone and for my personal use.

Show powermt command version
Display PowerPath configuration.

 Check for death paths and remove them. List all devices.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Cluster How to CentOS / RedHat 6.2

Step # 1: Mount an ISO file.

# mkdir -p /media/centos
# mount -o loop /dev/centos6X.iso /media/centos

Step # 2: Create repo config file on both the node.

# vi /etc/yum.repos.d/iso.repo

Save and close the file

Step # 3: Stop firewall on both node.

#chkconfig iptables off
#chkconfig ip6tables off

Step # 4: Disable Selinux.

#vi /etc/selinux/config
disbale selinux

reboot (if you want)

Step # 5: Add hosts entery on both node.

#vi /etc/hosts (add this entery to both the node)

Step # 6: Create a ricci user & passwd.

#useradd ricci
#passwd ricci

Step # 7: Install Cluster software.

#yum install cman rgmanager luci ricci (on 1st node)
#yum install cman rgmanager ricci

Step # 8: Start service on both node

#service ricci start (on both the node)

Shutting down ricci:
Starting oddjobd:                                          [  OK  ]
generating SSL certificates...  done
Generating NSS database...  done
Starting ricci:                                            [  OK  ]

#service luci start (on 1st node only)
service luci restart
Stop luci...                                               [  OK  ]
Start luci...                                              [  OK  ]
Point your web browser to (or equivalent) to access luci

Step # 9: Open the firefox.

login as root & root passwd

Follow the snap short or you watch youtube to create a Cluster on following link