Monday, October 18, 2010

Using the "find" Command.

List only directories, max 2 nodes down that have "net" in the name

       $ find /proc -type d -maxdepth 2 -iname '*net*'

     Find all *.c and *.h files starting from the current "." position.

       $ find . \( -iname '*.c'  -o -iname '*.h' \) -print

     Find all, but skip what's in "/CVS" and "/junk". Start from "/work"

       $ find /work \( -iregex '.*/CVS'  -o -iregex '.*/junk' \)  -prune -o -print

     Note -regex and -iregex work on the directory as well, which means
     you must consider the "./" that comes before all listings.

     Here is another example. Find all files except what is under the CVS, including
     CVS listings. Also exclude "#" and "~".

       $ find . -regex '.*' ! \( -regex '.*CVS.*'  -o -regex '.*[#|~].*' \)

     Find a *.c file, then run grep on it looking for "stdio.h"

       $ find . -iname '*.c' -exec grep -H 'stdio.h' {} \;
         sample output -->  ./prog1.c:#include 

     Looking for the disk-hog on the whole system?

       $ find /  -size +10000k 2>/dev/null

     Looking for files changed in the last 24 hours? Make sure you add the
     minus sign "-1", otherwise, you will only find files changed exactly
     24 hours from now. With the "-1" you get files changed from now to 24

       $ find  . -ctime -1  -printf "%a %f\n"
       Wed Oct  6 12:51:56 2010 .
       Wed Oct  6 12:35:16 2010 Linux_and_Open_Source.txt

     Or if you just want files.

       $ find . -type f -ctime -1  -printf "%a %f\n"

     Details on file status change in the last 48 hours, current directory. Also note "-atime -2").

       $ find . -ctime -2 -type f -exec ls -l {} \;

             NOTE: if you don't use -type f, you make get "." returned, which
             when run through ls "ls ." may list more than what you want.

             Also you may only want the current directory

       $ find . -ctime -2 -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec ls -l {} \;

     To find files modified within the last 5 to 10 minutes

       $ find . -mmin +5 -mmin -10 

Monitor all Network Traffic Except Your Current ssh Connection

$ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX -s 1500 port not 22

       Or to filter out port 123 as well getting the full length of the packet
       (-s 0), use the following:

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX -s 0 port not 22  and port not 123

       Or to filter only a certain host say

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX  port not 22 and host

     Just want ip addresses and a little bit of data, then,
     use this. The "-c 20" is to stop after 20 packets.

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN  -s 1500 port not 22 -c 20

     If you're looking for sign of DOS attacks, the following show just the SYN
     packets on all interfaces:

           $ tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 2 == 2'

Speed up SSH

Try setting up ssh client with compression and use arcfour/blowfish encryption instead. Also avoid ipv6 lookup and reuse connections using
Add below to ~/.ssh/config
Host *
Ciphers arcfour,blowfish-cbc
Compression yes
AddressFamily inet
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/socket-%r@%h:%p

Friday, October 15, 2010

Install your own git server on Cent OS / RHEL /Fedora

rpm -Uvh
rpm -Uvh
As root run this command:
yum install git
Next I’m going to setup a new repository and make it accessible over ssh:
mkdir /home/rajat/repo #create directory for new repository
cd /home/rajat/repo
git init
We’ll create a dummy file to get started. If you trying to clone (checkout) an empty git repository, you’ll just get errors:
touch firstfile
Add all files in this directory to your git repository:
git add .
Commit the changes you’ve made to the repo:
git commit
Next we’ll create a clone of the repo and configure it to be public:
cd /home/rajat
git clone --bare ./repo repo.git
touch  repo.git/git-daemon-export-ok
you can copy your repo.git directory to where you want to make the repo public
Now we want to checkout a copy of the new repository from a different server.
git clone ssh://yourserveraddress/home/rajat/repo.git
You should now have a new directory labeled repo which contains the file ‘firstfile’
To add a new file to the repo:
cd repo
touch secondfile
git add .
git commit
Now we want to submit the changes back to the git server:
git push
You’ll be prompted for your password.