Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Joomla Install on Fedora /CentOS /RedHat

Joomla is an award-winning content management system (CMS), which enables you to build Web sites and powerful online applications. Many aspects, including its ease-of-use and extensibility, have made Joomla the most popular Web site software available. Best of all, Joomla is an open source solution that is freely available to everyone.

#yum install  mysql mysql-server httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc phpmyadmin

#service httpd start
#service mysqld start
#mysql_secure_installation (set up root password)

Zenoss Installation on CentOS /RedHat /Fedora

This is a how to on installing Zenoss 2.0 core on a new Centos 5.0 installation. This guide assumes a new Centos 5 install with the default "server" software selection, no gui, and has SElinux disabled, if it is not disabled run setenforce 0 as root before starting. If you want to install the old 1.2 version of Zenoss 

#yum -y install mysql mysql-server net-snmp net-snmp-utils
#service mysqld start
#mysql_secure_installation (set up root password)
#chmod 777 zenoss-stack-3.0.2-linux.bin

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bash function to decompress archives

 extract () {
    if [ -f $1 ] ; then
        case $1 in
            *.tar.bz2)   tar xvjf $1        ;;
            *.tar.gz)    tar xvzf $1     ;;
            *.bz2)       bunzip2 $1       ;;
            *.rar)       unrar x $1     ;;
            *.gz)        gunzip $1     ;;
            *.tar)       tar xvf $1        ;;
            *.tbz2)      tar xvjf $1      ;;
            *.tgz)       tar xvzf $1       ;;
            *.zip)       unzip $1     ;;
            *.Z)         uncompress $1  ;;
            *.7z)        7z x $1    ;;
            *)           echo "'$1' cannot be extracted via >extract<" ;;
        echo "'$1' is not a valid file"

Port Scan in RedHat /CentOS /Fedora /Ubuntu

#HOST=;for((port=1;port<=65535;++port));do echo -en "$port ";if echo -en "open $HOST $port\nlogout\quit" | telnet 2>/dev/null | grep 'Connected to' > /dev/null;then echo -en "\n\nport $port/tcp is open\n\n";fi;done

if you need pls change ipaddress and you can add more number 65535 

CentOS /Fedora /RedHat /Ubuntu if disk space is low send mail

PATHS="/export/home /home"


DU="/usr/bin/du -ks"


DF="/usr/bin/df -k"







for path in $PATHS


 DISK_AVAIL=`$DF $path |  $GREP -v "Filesystem" | $AWK '{print $5}'|$SED 's/%//g'` 

 if [ $DISK_AVAIL -gt 90 ];then

  echo "Please clean up your stuff\n\n" > $MAILFILE

  $CAT $MAILFILE | $MAILER -s "Clean up stuff" $mailto 



Installing subversion with apache on centos

Subversion exists to be universally recognized and adopted as an open-source, centralized version control system characterized by its reliability as a safe haven for valuable data; the simplicity of its model and usage; and its ability to support the needs of a wide variety of users and projects, from individuals to large-scale enterprise operations.

#yum install mod_dav_svn subversion httpd

#service httpd start

Go to subversion.conf in /etc/httpd/conf.d/. Edit as below 

cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
vi subversion.conf
This is a configuration with username and password for the client  
#htpasswd -cm /etc/svn-auth-conf  rajat --- This command is not needed for the first configuration. 

To create the first user with password 
#htpasswd -m /etc/svn-auth-conf --- use this command to add another user 

Configure your repository 
#mkdir /var/www/svn --- create folder svn 
#cd /var/www/svn --- change diectory to the newly created svn directory 
#svnadmin create repos --- create svn repository named repos 
#chown apache.apache -R repos --- change ownership of 'repos' to apache 
#/etc/init.d/httpd restart --- restart apache

Open you browser and type 'http://localhost/svn/repos'.

Installation Moodle on CentOS / Fedora /RedHat

Moodle is a Course Management System (CMS), also known as a Learning Management System (LMS) or a Virtual Learning Environment (VLE). It is a Free web application that educators can use to create effective online learning sites.

#yum install  mysql mysql-server httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc

#service httpd start
#service mysqld start
#mysql_secure_installation (set up root password)
# tar zxvf moodle-weekly-19.tgz
#mv moodle/ /var/www/html/

vi /var/www/html/moodle/config.php
php  /// Moodle Configuration File


$CFG = new stdClass();
$CFG->dbtype    = 'mysql';
$CFG->dbhost    = 'localhost';
$CFG->dbname    = 'moodle';
$CFG->dbuser    = 'root';
$CFG->dbpass    = 'password';
$CFG->dbpersist =  false;
$CFG->prefix    = 'mdl_';

$CFG->wwwroot   = '';
$CFG->dirroot   = '/var/www/html/moodle';
$CFG->dataroot  = '/var/www/html/moodle/moodledata';
$CFG->admin     = 'admin';

$CFG->directorypermissions = 00777;  // try 02777 on a server in Safe Mode

$CFG->passwordsaltmain = 't16y.SrDkojXnad5a&<8.Yw!';


Setup Jinzora media streaming and management on CentOS /Fedora/RHEL

Jinzora is a web based media streaming and management system, written in PHP.
Streaming your media with Jinzora gives you quick and easy access to your online music and video collection from any device with a web browser.
Enjoy your media from your PC, notebook, PDA, Smart Phone, Xbox, PS3 or Wii.
Use Jinzora in Jukebox Mode to control a hardware device like your stereo set or Squeezebox and third-party software, including MPD, VLC and Shoutcast.

Before you can install Jinzora, you must set up a LAMP server first.

#yum install  mysql mysql-server httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc

#service httpd start
#service mysqld start
#mysql_secure_installation (set up root password)
#tar zxvf jinzora-3.0.tar.gz
#cd jinzora-3.0
#mv * /var/www/html/jinzora
#cd /var/www/html/jinzora
You are now in setup mode.
Please direct your web browser to the directory where you installed Jinzora
and load index.php - you will then be taken through the complete setup


Monday, October 18, 2010

vi and vim commands

Command mode ESC

                dd       delete
                u        undelete
                y        yank (copy to buffer)
                p/P      p before cursor/P after cursor

                Ctl-g    show current line number
                shft-G   end of file
              n shft-G   move to line n

               /stuff/   search
                  n   repeat in same direction
                  N   repeat in opposite direction
                  /return  repeat seach forward
                  ?return  repeat seach backward

               "dyy  Yank current line to buffer d
               "a7yy Yank next 7 lines to buffer a
               :1,7ya a  Yank [ya] lines 1,7 to buffer a
               :1,7ya b  Yank [ya] lines 1,7 to buffer b

               :5 pu b   Put [pu] buffer b after line 5

               "dP   Put the content of buffer d before cursor
               "ap   Put the contents of buffer a after cursor

               :1,4 w! file2  Write lines 1,4 to file2

               :set nu     Display line numbers
               :set nonum  Turns off display

               :set ic     Ignore Case

               :e  Edit a file in a new buffer

               :g//p   Print matching regular expression

               :split new

                   ctl-w   To move between windows
                   ctl-w-  To change size
                   ctl+wv  Split windows vertically
                   ctl-wq  Close window

               :only       To view only 1 window

            vim dictionary - put the following command in ~/.vimrc

                   set dictionary+=/usr/share/dict/words
                   set thesaurus+=/usr/share/dict/words
               Now, after you type a word  and to 
               go back in the listing 


           Scripting - you can script vi commands using ex. For example
               suppose you want to replace all occurrences of "one" with "two", then
               exit the file if there are changes. You would put the following in a file call script

               Contents of script


               If you want to run this on all files with the patten "example*"

                   for i in $(ls example*); do ex - $i 

What Network Services are Running

$ netstat -tanup

     or if you just want tcp services
          $ netstat -tanp


          $ netstat -ap|grep LISTEN|less

     This can be helpful to determine the services running.

     Need stats on dropped UDP packets?

          $ netstat -s -u

     or TCP

          $ netstat -s -t

     or summary of everything

          $ netstat -s

     or looking for error rates on the interface?

          $ netstat -i

     Listening interfaces?

          $ netstat -l

awk - common awk commands.

Find device names "sd" or with major number 4 and device name "tty". Print the
     record number NR, plus the major number and minor number.

          $ awk '$2 == "sd"||$1 == 4 && $2 == "tty" { print NR,$1,$2}' /proc/devices

     Find device name equal to "sound".

          $ awk '/sound/{print NR,$1,$2}' /proc/devices

     Print the 5th record, first field, in file test

          $ awk 'NR==5{print $1}' test

     Print a record, skip 4 records, print a record etc from file1

          $ awk '(NR-1) % 4 == 0 {print $1}' file1

     Print all records except the last one from file1

          $ tac file1|awk 'NR > 1 {print $0}'|tac

     Print A,B,C ..Z on each line, cycling back to A if greater than 26 lines

          $ awk '{ print substr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ",(NR-1)%26+1,1),$0}' file1

     Number of bytes in a directory.

          $ ls -l|awk 'BEGIN{ c=0}{ c+=$5} END{ print c}'

     Remove duplicate, nonconsecutive line. As an advantage over "sort|uniq"
     you can eliminate duplicate lines in an unsorted file.

          $ awk '! a[$0]++' file1

     Or the more efficient script

          $ awk '!($0 in a) {a[$0];print}' file1

     Print only the lines in file1 that have 80 characters or more

          $ awk 'length < 80' file1

     Print line number 25 on an extremely large file -- note it has
     to be efficient and exit after printing line number 25.

          $ awk 'NR==25 {print; exit}'  verybigfile

Using the "find" Command.

List only directories, max 2 nodes down that have "net" in the name

       $ find /proc -type d -maxdepth 2 -iname '*net*'

     Find all *.c and *.h files starting from the current "." position.

       $ find . \( -iname '*.c'  -o -iname '*.h' \) -print

     Find all, but skip what's in "/CVS" and "/junk". Start from "/work"

       $ find /work \( -iregex '.*/CVS'  -o -iregex '.*/junk' \)  -prune -o -print

     Note -regex and -iregex work on the directory as well, which means
     you must consider the "./" that comes before all listings.

     Here is another example. Find all files except what is under the CVS, including
     CVS listings. Also exclude "#" and "~".

       $ find . -regex '.*' ! \( -regex '.*CVS.*'  -o -regex '.*[#|~].*' \)

     Find a *.c file, then run grep on it looking for "stdio.h"

       $ find . -iname '*.c' -exec grep -H 'stdio.h' {} \;
         sample output -->  ./prog1.c:#include 

     Looking for the disk-hog on the whole system?

       $ find /  -size +10000k 2>/dev/null

     Looking for files changed in the last 24 hours? Make sure you add the
     minus sign "-1", otherwise, you will only find files changed exactly
     24 hours from now. With the "-1" you get files changed from now to 24

       $ find  . -ctime -1  -printf "%a %f\n"
       Wed Oct  6 12:51:56 2010 .
       Wed Oct  6 12:35:16 2010 Linux_and_Open_Source.txt

     Or if you just want files.

       $ find . -type f -ctime -1  -printf "%a %f\n"

     Details on file status change in the last 48 hours, current directory. Also note "-atime -2").

       $ find . -ctime -2 -type f -exec ls -l {} \;

             NOTE: if you don't use -type f, you make get "." returned, which
             when run through ls "ls ." may list more than what you want.

             Also you may only want the current directory

       $ find . -ctime -2 -type f -maxdepth 1 -exec ls -l {} \;

     To find files modified within the last 5 to 10 minutes

       $ find . -mmin +5 -mmin -10 

Monitor all Network Traffic Except Your Current ssh Connection

$ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX -s 1500 port not 22

       Or to filter out port 123 as well getting the full length of the packet
       (-s 0), use the following:

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX -s 0 port not 22  and port not 123

       Or to filter only a certain host say

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN -vvv -xX  port not 22 and host

     Just want ip addresses and a little bit of data, then,
     use this. The "-c 20" is to stop after 20 packets.

           $ tcpdump -i eth0 -nN  -s 1500 port not 22 -c 20

     If you're looking for sign of DOS attacks, the following show just the SYN
     packets on all interfaces:

           $ tcpdump 'tcp[13] & 2 == 2'

Speed up SSH

Try setting up ssh client with compression and use arcfour/blowfish encryption instead. Also avoid ipv6 lookup and reuse connections using
Add below to ~/.ssh/config
Host *
Ciphers arcfour,blowfish-cbc
Compression yes
AddressFamily inet
ControlMaster auto
ControlPath ~/.ssh/socket-%r@%h:%p