Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Configuring Sendmail RedHat /CentOS/Fedora

Configuring it is very simple. First you'll need the sendmail-cf package. Install it using yum:
[root@mail-server ~]# yum install sendmail-cf
Edit the file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and add the following lines. Make sure you set your mail server domain name where it's bolded:
In the same file /etc/mail/sendmail.mc remove the "dnl" from the beginning of the lines so it will look like this:
Save the file and compile it using m4:
[root@mail-server ~]# m4 /etc/mail/sendmail.mc > /etc/sendmail.cf
Send Sendmail a -HUP signal using kill or simply restart the daemon for the configuration changes to take effect:
[root@mail-server ~]# service sendmail restart

Testing your configuration using sendmail

And that's it! you're done. Just send yourself a test email to make sure it is really working:
[root@mail-server ~]# /usr/sbin/sendmail -t < mail.txt
Where the contents of the mail.txt file are:
Date: Wed Dec 1 08:41:54 2010
To: you@somewhere.com
Subject: The subject of the message
From: whatever@somewhere.com
Body of message goes here

Testing your configuration using mutt

You can also use mutt to test, which is a bit simpler (and you can also add the -a parameter for file attachment):
[root@mail-server ~]# mutt -s "Test Email" you@somewhere.com < /dev/null

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Creating an ISO from a DVD MAC

From within Terminal (Applications->Utilities->Terminal)

You can determine the device that is you CD/DVD drive using the following command:

drutil status

Vendor   Product           Rev 
 MATSHITA DVD-R   UJ-875    DB09

           Type: DVD-R                Name: /dev/disk1
       Sessions: 1                  Tracks: 1 
   Overwritable:   00:00:00         blocks:        0 /   0.00MB /   0.00MiB
     Space Free:   00:00:00         blocks:        0 /   0.00MB /   0.00MiB
     Space Used:  425:20:48         blocks:  1914048 /   3.92GB /   3.65GiB
      Book Type: DVD-R (v5)
       Media ID: SONY16D1
Now you will need to umount the disk with the following command:

diskutil unmountDisk disk1

Now you can write the ISO file with the dd utility:

dd if=/dev/disk1 of=dvd.iso

When finished you will want to remount the disk:

diskutil mountDisk disk1

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Find WWN’s on RedHat /Cent OS

To find port and node WWN’s while the system is running:
  • 2.4.x Kernels
    > cat /proc/scsi/[hba_type]/(n)
    where hba_type is the driver (e.g. lpfc for Emulex) and (n) is the HBA number.
  • 2.6.x Kernels:
    > cat /sys/class/scsi_host/host(n)/[port_name|node_name]
    Hosts with multiple HBAs are enumerated via host(n) (e.g host0).
You can use lsmod to determine which driver is in use.


Automated Bankup for Postgrsql

#! /bin/bash
# backup-postgresql.sh
# this script is public domain.  feel free to use or modify as you like.


# directory to save backups in, must be rwx by postgres user
YMD=$(date “+%Y-%m-%d”)
mkdir -p $DIR
cd $DIR

# get list of databases in system , exclude the tempate dbs
DBS=$($PSQL -l -t | egrep -v ‘template[01]‘ | awk ‘{print $1}’)

# first dump entire postgres database, including pg_shadow etc.
$DUMPALL -D | gzip -9 > “$DIR/db.out.gz”

# next dump globals (roles and tablespaces) only
$DUMPALL -g | gzip -9 > “$DIR/globals.gz”

# now loop through each individual database and backup the schema and data separately
for database in $DBS; do

# export data from postgres databases to plain text
$PGDUMP -C -c -s $database | gzip -9 > $SCHEMA

# dump data
$PGDUMP -a $database | gzip -9 > $DATA

# delete backup files older than 30 days
OLD=$(find $BASE_DIR -type d -mtime +30)
if [ -n "$OLD" ] ; then
echo deleting old backup files: $OLD
echo $OLD | xargs rm -rfv

Monday, November 15, 2010

"proc" File System RedHat /CentOS /Ubuntu

Inside the /proc directory, you’ll see two types of content — numbered directories, and system information files.

/proc is not a real file system, it is a virtual file system. For example, if you do ls -l /proc/stat, you’ll notice that it has a size of 0 bytes, but if you do “cat /proc/stat”, you’ll see some content inside the file.

Several Linux commands access the information from /proc, and displays in a certain format.
1. /proc Directories with names as numbers

Do a ls -l /proc, and you’ll see lot of directories with just numbers. These numbers represents the process ids, the files inside this numbered directory corresponds to the process with that particular PID.

Following are the important files located under each numbered directory (for each process):

    * cmdline – command line of the command.
    * environ – environment variables.
    * fd – Contains the file descriptors which is linked to the appropriate files.
    * limits – Contains the information about the specific limits to the process.
    * mounts – mount related information

Following are the important links under each numbered directory (for each process):

    * cwd – Link to current working directory of the process.
    * exe – Link to executable of the process.
    * root – Link to the root directory of the process.

2. /proc Files about the system information

Following are some files which are available under /proc, that contains system information such as cpuinfo, meminfo, loadavg.

    * /proc/cpuinfo – information about CPU,
    * /proc/meminfo – information about memory,
    * /proc/loadvg – load average,
    * /proc/partitions – partition related information,
    * /proc/version – linux version

Some Linux commands read the information from this /proc files and displays it. For example, free command, reads the memory information from /proc/meminfo file, formats it, and displays it.

To learn more about the individual /proc files, do “man 5 FILENAME”.

    * /proc/cmdline – Kernel command line
    * /proc/cpuinfo – Information about the processors.
    * /proc/devices – List of device drivers configured into the currently running kernel.
    * /proc/dma – Shows which DMA channels are being used at the moment.
    * /proc/fb – Frame Buffer devices.
    * /proc/filesystems – File systems supported by the kernel.
    * /proc/interrupts – Number of interrupts per IRQ on architecture.
    * /proc/iomem – This file shows the current map of the system’s memory for its various devices
    * /proc/ioports – provides a list of currently registered port regions used for input or output communication with a device
    * /proc/loadavg – Contains load average of the system
      The first three columns measure CPU utilization of the last 1, 5, and 10 minute periods.
      The fourth column shows the number of currently running processes and the total number of processes.
      The last column displays the last process ID used.
    * /proc/locks – Displays the files currently locked by the kernel
      Sample line:
      1: POSIX ADVISORY WRITE 14375 08:03:114727 0 EOF
    * /proc/meminfo – Current utilization of primary memory on the system
    * /proc/misc – This file lists miscellaneous drivers registered on the miscellaneous major device, which is number 10
    * /proc/modules – Displays a list of all modules that have been loaded by the system
    * /proc/mounts – This file provides a quick list of all mounts in use by the system
    * /proc/partitions – Very detailed information on the various partitions currently available to the system
    * /proc/pci – Full listing of every PCI device on your system
    * /proc/stat – Keeps track of a variety of different statistics about the system since it was last restarted
    * /proc/swap – Measures swap space and its utilization
    * /proc/uptime – Contains information about uptime of the system
    * /proc/version – Version of the Linux kernel, gcc, name of the Linux flavor installed.

Create your own social network site like Facebook :)

Elgg is an award-winning social networking engine, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications. Organizations with networks powered by Elgg include:

#yum install mysql mysql-server httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc phpmyadmin

#service httpd start
#service mysqld start
#mysql_secure_installation (set up root password)

open firefox http://localhost/phpmyadmin and create a elgg-db database.

#wget http://elgg.org/getelgg.php?forward=elgg-1.7.4.zip

#unxip elgg-1.7.4.zip -d /var/www/html/
#mv elgg-1.7.4/ elgg/ #cd elgg/engine/
#cp settings.example.php settings.php
#vi settings.php
// Database username
$CONFIG->dbuser = 'root';
// Database password
$CONFIG->dbpass = 'password';
// Database name
$CONFIG->dbname = 'elgg-db';
// Database server // (For most configurations, you can leave this as 'localhost')
$CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost';
// Database table prefix // If you're sharing a database with other applications, you will want to use this // to differentiate Elgg's tables.
$CONFIG->dbprefix = 'elgg';

#mkdir /uploads
#chmod 777 /uploads

open firefox http://yourdomain.com/elgg follow the screen

#vi /var/www/html/elgg/.htaccess copy paste from 1st screen and save after reload page follow the screen


Friday, November 12, 2010

To Lock Users To Their Home Directories Only CentOS /RedHat

rssh support chrooting option. If you want to chroot users, use chrootpath option. It is used to set the directory where the root of the chroot jail will be located. This is a security feature.

A chroot on Linux or Unix OS is an operation that changes the root directory. It affects only the current process and its children. If your default home directory is /home/rajat normal user can access files in /etc, /sbin or /bin directory. This allows an attacker to install programs / backdoor via your web server in /tmp. chroot allows to restrict file system access and locks down user to their own directory.

Configuring rssh chroot

=> Chroot directory: /users.
Tip: If possible mount /users filesystem with the noexec/nosuid option to improve security.

=> Required directories in jail:

/users/dev - Device file
/users/etc - Configuration file such as passwd
/users/lib - Shared libs
/users/usr - rssh and other binaries
/users/bin - Copy default shell such as /bin/csh or /bin/bash
=> Required files in jail at /users directory (default for RHEL / CentOS / Debian Linux):

/usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server OR /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
/usr/libexec/rssh_chroot_helper OR /usr/lib/rssh/rssh_chroot_helper (suid must be set on this binary)
/bin/sh or /bin/bash (default shell)
Tip: Limit the binaries which live in the jail to the absolute minimum required to improve security. Usually /bin/bash and /bin/sh is not required but some system may give out error.

A note about jail file system

Note: The files need to be placed in the jail directory (such as /users) in directories that mimic their placement in the root (/) file system. So you need to copy all required files. For example, /usr/bin/rssh is located on / file system. If your jail is located at /users, then copy /usr/bin/rssh to /users/usr/bin/rssh. Following instuctions are tested on:

Solaris UNIX
RHEL / Redhat / Fedora / CentOS Linux
Debian Linux
Building the Chrooted Jail

Create all required directories:
# mkdir -p /users/{dev,etc,lib,usr,bin}
# mkdir -p /users/usr/bin
# mkdir -p /users/libexec/openssh

Create /users/dev/null:
# mknod -m 666 /users/dev/null c 1 3

Copy required /etc/ configuration files, as described above to your jail directory /users/etc:
# cd /users/etc
# cp /etc/ld.so.cache .
# cp -avr /etc/ld.so.cache.d/ .
# cp /etc/ld.so.conf .
# cp /etc/nsswitch.conf .
# cp /etc/passwd .
# cp /etc/group .
# cp /etc/hosts .
# cp /etc/resolv.conf .

Open /usres/group and /users/passwd file and remove root and all other accounts.

Copy required binary files, as described above to your jail directory /users/bin and other locations:
# cd /users/usr/bin
# cp /usr/bin/scp .
# cp /usr/bin/rssh .
# cp /usr/bin/sftp .
# cd /users/usr/libexec/openssh/
# cp /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server .

# cp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server .
# cd /users/usr/libexec/
# cp /usr/libexec/rssh_chroot_helper

# cp /usr/lib/rssh/rssh_chroot_helper
# cd /users/bin/
# cp /bin/sh .

# cp /bin/bash .

Copy all shared library files

The library files that any of these binary files need can be found by using the ldd / strace command. For example, running ldd against /usr/bin/sftp provides the following output:
ldd /usr/bin/sftp


linux-gate.so.1 => (0x00456000)
libresolv.so.2 => /lib/libresolv.so.2 (0x0050e000)
libcrypto.so.6 => /lib/libcrypto.so.6 (0x0013e000)
libutil.so.1 => /lib/libutil.so.1 (0x008ba000)
libz.so.1 => /usr/lib/libz.so.1 (0x00110000)
libnsl.so.1 => /lib/libnsl.so.1 (0x0080e000)
libcrypt.so.1 => /lib/libcrypt.so.1 (0x00a8c000)
libgssapi_krb5.so.2 => /usr/lib/libgssapi_krb5.so.2 (0x00656000)
libkrb5.so.3 => /usr/lib/libkrb5.so.3 (0x00271000)
libk5crypto.so.3 => /usr/lib/libk5crypto.so.3 (0x00304000)
libcom_err.so.2 => /lib/libcom_err.so.2 (0x00777000)
libdl.so.2 => /lib/libdl.so.2 (0x00123000)
libnss3.so => /usr/lib/libnss3.so (0x00569000)
libc.so.6 => /lib/libc.so.6 (0x00b6c000)
libkrb5support.so.0 => /usr/lib/libkrb5support.so.0 (0x00127000)
libkeyutils.so.1 => /lib/libkeyutils.so.1 (0x00130000)
/lib/ld-linux.so.2 (0x00525000)
libplc4.so => /usr/lib/libplc4.so (0x008c9000)
libplds4.so => /usr/lib/libplds4.so (0x00133000)
libnspr4.so => /usr/lib/libnspr4.so (0x00d04000)
libpthread.so.0 => /lib/libpthread.so.0 (0x0032a000)
libselinux.so.1 => /lib/libselinux.so.1 (0x00341000)
libsepol.so.1 => /lib/libsepol.so.1 (0x00964000)
You need to copy all those libraries to /lib and other appropriate location. However, I recommend using my automated script called l2chroot:
# cd /sbin
# wget -O l2chroot http://www.yeswedeal.biz/files/l2chroot.txt
# chmod +x l2chroot

Open l2chroot and set BASE variable to point to chroot directory (jail) location:

Now copy all shared library files
# l2chroot /usr/bin/scp
# l2chroot /usr/bin/rssh
# l2chroot /usr/bin/sftp
# l2chroot /usr/libexec/openssh/sftp-server

# l2chroot /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
# l2chroot /usr/libexec/rssh_chroot_helper

# l2chroot /usr/lib/rssh/rssh_chroot_helper
# l2chroot /bin/sh

# l2chroot /bin/bash

Modify syslogd configuration

The syslog library function works by writing messages into a FIFO file such as /dev/log. You need to pass -a /path/to/chroot/dev/log option. Using this argument you can specify additional sockets from that syslogd has to listen to. This is needed if you’re going to let some daemon run within a chroot() environment. You can use up to 19 additional sockets. If your environment needs even more, you have to increase the symbol MAXFUNIX within the syslogd.c source file. Open /etc/sysconfig/syslog file:
# vi /etc/sysconfig/syslog

Find line that read as follows:

Append -a /users/dev/log
SYSLOGD_OPTIONS="-m 0 -a /users/dev/log"

Save and close the file. Restart syslog:
# /etc/init.d/syslog restart

If you are using Debian / Ubuntu Linux apply changes to /etc/default/syslogd file.

Set chroot path

Open configuration file /etc/rssh.conf:
# vi /etc/rssh.conf

Set chrootpath to /users

Save and close the file. If sshd is not running start it:
# /etc/init.d/sshd start

Add user to jail
Now rssh is installed. Next logical step is configure user to use rssh. All you have to do is set a user account shell to /usr/bin/rssh. The following examples adds user bidi to system with /usr/bin/rssh.

Create a new user with /usr/bin/rssh

Login as the root user
Type the following command to create a new user called bidi:# useradd -m -d /home/bidi -s /usr/bin/rssh bidi
# passwd bidi

Change existing user shell to /usr/bin/rssh

You don't have to edit /etc/passwd file to change your shell. You need to use chsh command. It changes the user login shell. This determines the name of the users initial login command. A normal user may only change the login shell for his/her own account, the super user i.e. root user may change the login shell for any account. Following is syntax of chsh command:chsh -s {shell-name} {user-name}
  • -s {shell-name} : Specify your login shell name. You can obtained list of avialble shell from /etc/shells file.
  • User-name: It is optional, useful if you are a root user.
First, find out available shell list:# less /etc/shells
Now change your shell name to /bin/tcsh:# chsh -s /bin/tcsh
When promoted for password, type your own password. If you just type chsh command, it will prompt for shell name interactively:# chsh
Changing the login shell for tv
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
       Login Shell [/bin/bash]:

# usermod -s /usr/bin/rssh old-user-name
# usermod -s /usr/bin/rssh rajat
# chsh -s /usr/bin/rssh rajat

Try login via ssh or sftp

Now try login via ssh or sftp using username bidi:# sftp bidi@my.backup.server.com
# ssh bidi@my.backup.server.com
bidi@my.backup.server.com's password: TYPE-THE-PASSWORD
Linux my.backup.server.com 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 18 08:02:57 UTC 2010 i686

Last login: Thu Nov 10 16:35:04 2010 from localhost

This account is restricted by rssh.
This user is locked out.

If you believe this is in error, please contact your system administrator.

Connection to my.backup.server.com closed.
By default rssh configuration locks down everything including any sort of access.

Grant access to sftp and scp for all users

The default action for rssh to lock down everything. To grant access to scp or sftp open /etc/rssh.conf file:# vi /etc/rssh.conf
Append or uncomment following two lines

Save and close the file. rssh reads configuration file on fly (there is no rssh service exists). Now user should able to run scp and sftp commands, but no shell access is granted:
# scp /path/to/file bidi@my.backup.server.com:/.
# sftp bidi@my.backup.server.com:/.
Connecting to lmy.backup.server.com...
bidi@my.backup.server.com's password:
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /home/bidi

Understanding command configuration options

You need to add following keywords / directives to allow or disallow scp / sftp and other commands:
  • allowscp : Tells the shell that scp is allowed.
  • allowsftp : Tells the shell that sftp is allowed.
  • allowcvs : Tells the shell that cvs is allowed.
  • allowrdist : Tells the shell that rdist is allowed.
  • allowrsync : Tells the shell that rsync is allowed.
Tip: Create a group for rssh users, and limit executable access to the binaries to users in that group to improve security. Please use standard file permissions carefully and appropriately.

# useradd -m -d /users/rajat -s /usr/bin/rssh rajat
# passwd rajat

Now rajat can login using sftp or copy files using scp:

sftp rajat@my-server.com
rajat@my-server.com's password:
sftp> ls
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /rajat
sftp> cd /tmp
Couldn't canonicalise: No such file or directory
User rajat is allowed to login to server to trasfer files, but not allowed to browse entier file system.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

How to install unity in ubuntu 10.04/10.10

Install unity in ubuntu 10.04/10.10

Open the terminal and run one of the following command
$sudo apt-get install ubuntu-netbook
$sudo apt-get install unity
after logging out you will be able to choose Ubuntu Netbook Edition

Apart from this you can expect unity in Ubuntu 11.04 alpha1

Speed Up Firefox web browser for Fedora / Ubuntu /CentOS /Windows

Mozilla Firefox is a graphical web browser developed by the Mozilla Corporation. Started as a fork of the browser component (Navigator) of the Mozilla Application Suite, Firefox has replaced the Mozilla Suite as the flagship product of the Mozilla project, stewarded by the Mozilla Foundation and a large community of external contributors.
Mozilla Firefox is a cross-platform browser, providing support for various versions of Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. Although not officially released for certain operating systems, the freely available source code works for many other operating systems, including FreeBSD,OS/2, Solaris, SkyOS, BeOS and more recently, Windows XP Professional x64 Edition.
I am providing some Very Useful Tips to speedup your Firefox.
In your location bar, type about:config
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen

In the filter bar type network.http.pipelining
You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

In the filter bar again and type network.http.pipelining.maxrequests
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Default it says 4 under value field and you need to change it to 8
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type network.http.proxy.pipelining
Once it Opens You should see similar to the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type network.dns.disableIPv6
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Go to the filter bar again and type plugin.expose_full_path
Once it Opens You should see the following screen

Normally it says ” false ” under value field , Double click it so it becomes ” true “.
Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create new Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type nglayout.initialpaint.delay and click ok

Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type content.notify.backoffcount and click ok

Now you need to enter 5 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Now you need to Create one more Preference name with interger value for this got to Right click -> New -> Integer

Once it opens you should see the following screen

Here you need to type ui.submenuDelay and click ok

Now you need to enter 0 in value filed and click ok

Once you finished this you should see the following screen.

Some more Tweaks
Enable the spellchecker for inputfields and textareas (default is textareas only)
Open lastfm://-links directly in amarok
Firefox Memory Leak Fix
Open a new tab. Type “about:config” without quotes into the address bar and hit enter/click Go.
Right-click anywhere, select New, then Integer. In the dialog prompt that appears, type:
Click OK. Another dialog prompt will appear. This is where you decide how much memory to allocate to Firefox. This depends on how much RAM your computer has, but generally you don’t want to allocate too little (under 8MB), but if you allocate too much, you might as well not do this. A good recommended setting is 16MB. If you want 16MB, enter this value into the dialog prompt:
(Why 16384 instead of 16000? Because computers use base-12 counting. Thus 16 megabytes = 16384 bytes. Likewise, if you want to double that and allocate 32MB, you’d enter 32768.)
Click OK to close the dialog box, then close all instances of Firefox and restart. If your Firefox still uses the same amount of memory, give it a few minutes and it should slowly clear up. If that fails, try a system reboot.
Now your Firefox will now be 3 - 30 times faster in loading pages.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Upgrade From Fedora 13 To Fedora 14 Desktop & Server

The commands in this article must be executed with root privileges. Open a terminal (on a Fedora 13 desktop, go to Applications > System Tools > Terminal) and log in as root, or if you log in with a regular user, type
to become root.

2 Upgrading To Fedora 14 (Desktop)

First we must upgrade the rpm package:
#yum update rpm
Then we install the latest updates:
#yum -y update
Next we clean the yum cache:
#yum clean all
If you notice that a new kernel got installed during yum -y update, you should reboot the system now:
(After the reboot, log in as root again, either directly or with the help of)

Now we come to the upgrade process.

Install preupgrade...
#yum install preupgrade
... and call it like this:
The preupgrade wizard will then start on your desktop. Select Fedora 14 (Laughlin). Afterwards the system is being prepared for the upgrade.
At the end, click on the Reboot Now button.
During the reboot, the upgrade is being performed. This can take quite a long time, so please be patient.
Afterwards, you can log into your new Fedora 14 desktop.

3 Upgrading To Fedora 14 (Server)

First we must upgrade the rpm package:
#yum update rpm
Then we install the latest updates:
#yum -y update
Next we clean the yum cache:
#yum clean all
If you notice that a new kernel got installed during yum -y update, you should reboot the system now:
(After the reboot, log in as root again, either directly or with the help of)

Now we come to the upgrade process. We can do this with preupgrade.
Install preupgrade...
#yum install preupgrade
... and call it like this:
It will show you a list of releases that you can upgrade to. If all goes well, it should show something like Fedora 14 (Laughlin) in the list:
[root@rajat-fc ~]# preupgrade-cli
Loaded plugins: blacklist, whiteout
No plugin match for: rpm-warm-cache
No plugin match for: remove-with-leaves
No plugin match for: auto-update-debuginfo
Loaded plugins: presto, refresh-packagekit
please give a release to try to pre-upgrade to
valid entries include:
   "Fedora 14 (Laughlin)"
[root@rajat-fc ~]#
To upgrade, append the release string to the preupgrade-cli command:
preupgrade-cli "Fedora 14 (Laughlin)"
Preupgrade will also take care of your RPMFusion packages, so all you have to do after preupgrade has finished is to reboot:
During the reboot, the upgrade is being performed. This can take quite a long time, so please be patient. Afterwards, you can log into your new Fedora 14 server.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Clone RedHat / Cent OS / Fedora Bare Metal Recovery

Clonesys is a Shell script that can be used to create an ISO image of your Linux system. It is not another tool that backup users files but a tool that can recreate "ex nihilo" a similar system on another hardware.

#wget http://www.trickytools.com/downloads/clonesys-1.4.0.tgz
#tar xvzf clonesys-1.4.0.tgz
#cd clonesys-1.4.0
#sh clonesys.sh
STEP 1: Configuration Summary:
Parameters used for Image Creation:
Prompt before executing commands: n
Clean Directories before creating the backup files: y
Temporary Files Location: /tmp/clonesys
Save the Ext2 Extended Attributes (lsattr): n
Save the Extended Attributes (getfattr): n
Save the ACL (getfacl): n
Use "star" instead of "tar": y
Boot Loader method: grub
RAID Management Method: none
Filename that contains additional kernel modules to include: moremodules.list
Build a Single Image: n
    Archive Maximum Size: 650 MB
    Tar Archive Slice Size: 50 MB
ISO Image Name: /tmp/clonesys.iso
Burn the CD when process completed: n
Parameters used for System Restoration:
Write the Boot Sector on the MBR: y
Check for Badblocks when partitioning: n
Force the load of some CD-Rom kernel drivers (recommanded): y
Press to continue or to abort

star not found - it will not be used instead of tar

STEP 2: Clean the build directory:

STEP 3: Check for required commands:
Checking existence of command pidof: OK
Checking existence of command readlink: OK
Checking existence of command ldd: OK
Checking existence of command basename: OK
Checking existence of command dirname: OK
Checking existence of command du: OK
Checking existence of command sed: OK
Checking existence of command uname: OK
Checking existence of command cut: OK
Checking existence of command mknod: OK
Checking existence of command dd: OK
Checking existence of command tr: OK
Checking existence of command tail: OK
Checking existence of command tar: OK
Checking existence of command sort: OK
Checking existence of command uniq: OK
Checking existence of command grep: OK
Checking existence of command sfdisk: OK
Checking existence of command fdisk: OK
Checking existence of command lsmod: OK
Checking existence of command mkisofs: OK
Checking existence of command modprobe: OK
Checking existence of command mount: OK
Checking existence of command umount: OK
Checking existence of command gzip: OK
Checking existence of command modinfo: OK
Checking existence of command awk: OK
Checking existence of command stat: OK
Checking existence of command bc: OK
Checking existence of command cdrecord: OK

STEP 4: Check and create needed sub-directory:
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/tmp: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/loop: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/iso/realconf: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/iso/isolinux: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/initrd: OK
Checking existence of directory /tmp/clonesys/iso/backup: OK

STEP 5: Copy source files to /tmp/clonesys:
Copy ./isolinux files: OK
Copy ./initrd files: OK
Copy real basename and required libraries: OK
Copy library /lib/libc.so.6:  OK
Create the symbolic link:  OK
Copy library /lib/ld-linux.so.2:  OK
Create the symbolic link:  OK
Copy real cat and required libraries: OK
Copy library /lib/libc.so.6:  OK
Create the symbolic link:  Link already created
Create the symbolic link:  Link already created
Copy ./realconf files:  OK

STEP 6: Create configuration files under /tmp/clonesys/iso/backup:
Copy the currently loaded modules:
Forcing module ide-cd
Forcing module isofs
Copy Module ide_cd: OK
Copy Module cdrom: OK
Copy Module iptable_filter: OK
Copy Module ip_tables: OK
Copy Module x_tables: OK
Copy Module ipv6: OK
Copy Module xfrm_nalgo: OK
Creating special node for /dev/sdj: OK
Unmounting the CD-Rom: OK
Create the mount points:
Mount point for /dev/sda3 is / (Type=ext3, Options=rw)
Mount point for /dev/sda1 is /boot (Type=ext3, Options=rw)

STEP 7: Backup the system files:
Building the file list:
Managing Directory: /bin
Managing Directory: /sbin
Managing Directory: /usr/sbin
Managing Directory: /usr/sbin/euca_admin
Managing Directory: /usr/bin
Managing Directory: /usr/lib
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/alsa-lib
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/alsa-lib/smixer
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/anaconda-runtime/boot
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/apr-util-1
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/aspell-0.60
Managing Directory: /usr/lib/audit
Managing Directory: /tmp/clonesys/
Creating the file archive (Please wait): testmade

STEP 8: Prepare the Boot Loader:
Check if file grub/grub.conf has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/menu.lst has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/device.map has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/stage1 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/stage2 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/e2fs_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/fat_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/ffs_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/iso9660_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/jfs_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/reiserfs_stage1_5 has been backup up OK
Check if file grub/xfs_stage1_5 has been backup up OK

STEP 9: Create the Initial RAMDisk image:
Compute the initial RAMDisk size: OK (found 22356 KBytes)
Create the initial RAMDisk file: 38740+0 records in
38740+0 records out
39669760 bytes (40 MB) copied, 0.317524 seconds, 125 MB/s
mke2fs 1.39 (29-May-2006)
Filesystem label=
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)
Fragment size=4096 (log=2)
9696 inodes, 9685 blocks
0 blocks (0.00%) reserved for the super user
First data block=0
Maximum filesystem blocks=12582912
1 block group
32768 blocks per group, 32768 fragments per group
9696 inodes per group

Writing inode tables: done                           
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

This filesystem will be automatically checked every 38 mounts or
180 days, whichever comes first.  Use tune2fs -c or -i to override.
Loopback mount of /tmp/clonesys/iso/isolinux/initrd: OK
Copy initrd files: OK
Unmounting /tmp/clonesys/iso/isolinux/initrd: OK
Compressing the initial RAMDisk: OK
Copy current Linux kernel under /tmp/clonesys/iso/isolinux directory: OK

STEP 10: Create the ISO Image:
Do you want to enter a shell before making the ISO filesystem (y/n) ? Create the ISO images:
Preparing ISO image #1 (current archive=1, start size=10544)
Create the ISO image #1:
mkisofs: Warning: -follow-links does not always work correctly; be careful.
INFO:    UTF-8 character encoding detected by locale settings.
    Assuming UTF-8 encoded filenames on source filesystem,
    use -input-charset to override.
Size of boot image is 4 sectors -> No emulation
  1.97% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:42 2010
  3.93% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:42 2010
  5.90% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:42 2010
  7.86% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:54 2010
  9.83% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:52 2010
 11.79% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:50 2010
 13.76% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:49 2010
 15.72% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:54 2010
 17.68% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:53 2010
 19.65% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:57 2010
 21.62% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:55 2010
 23.58% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 25.55% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:57 2010
 27.51% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:00 2010
 29.48% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 31.44% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:01 2010
 33.40% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:59 2010
 35.37% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 37.34% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 39.30% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:59 2010
 41.27% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 43.23% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 45.20% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:57 2010
 47.16% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 49.13% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 51.09% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:59 2010
 53.06% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:58 2010
 55.02% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:00 2010
 56.99% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:11:59 2010
 58.94% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:00 2010
 60.91% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:00 2010
 62.87% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:01 2010
 64.84% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 66.81% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:01 2010
 68.77% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 70.73% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:01 2010
 72.70% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 74.66% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 76.63% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 78.60% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 80.56% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
 82.53% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 84.49% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
 86.45% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 88.42% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
 90.38% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
 92.35% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 94.31% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
 96.28% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:02 2010
 98.24% done, estimate finish Tue Nov  2 16:12:03 2010
Total translation table size: 2048
Total rockridge attributes bytes: 4634
Total directory bytes: 8192
Path table size(bytes): 56
Max brk space used 1a000
254479 extents written (497 MB)
ISO image generated as /tmp/clonesys1.iso - Ready to burn !
Error(s)  : 0
Warning(s): 1
Please, check for the errors & warnings in file /tmp/clonesys/tmp/tar.err


Friday, October 29, 2010

Directories and its size for CentOS /Fedora /RedHat

which directories and trees take up all the diskspace?
du -sm $(find /start/dir/* -type d -maxdepth 1 -xdev) | sort -g

If you want more human readable output try:
du -ha /var | sort -n -r | head -n 10

you want to see ALL directories in the tree
find $1 -type d | xargs du -sm | sort -g

To show all directories size including sub directories, type

du -h

To calculate the current directory size you are in (-s stand for summary)

du -sh

To show all the 1 level sub directories size (which you are not interested at sub sub directories.)

du -sh *

To show the size of specific directory

du -sh /home

To show the size of all sub directories of a specific directory

du -sh /home/*

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Setup private cloud computing on Cent OS Eucalyptus 2.0

Eucalyptus is software that implements scalable IaaS-style private and hybrid clouds. The Eucalyptus architecture is highly modular with internal components consisting of Web services, which make them easy to replace and expand. Eucalyptus' flexibility enables it to export a variety of APIs towards users via client tools. Currently Eucalyptus implements the Amazon Web Service (AWS) API, which allows interoperability with existing AWS-compatible services and tools. This also allows Eucalyptus users to group resources drawn both from an internal private cloud and external public clouds to form a hybrid cloud.

#yum install -y java-1.6.0-openjdk-devel ant ant-nodeps libvirt-devel curl-devel httpd httpd-devel apr-devel openssl-devel dhcp libxml2 libxml2-devel gnutls gnutls-devel xen-devel libgcrypt-devel zlib-devel perl-Convert-ASN1 perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-RSA perl-Crypt-OpenSSL-Random chkfontpath scsi-target-utils fuse-libs swig gcc ntp

First, make sure JAVA_HOME is defined. For example, on Centos 5:
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-openjdk/"
export JAVA="$JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java"
reboot server in xen-kernel

  • run system-config-securitylevel-tui
  • select Security Level: Disabled
  • select OK
#vi /etc/xend/xend-config.sxp
(xend-http-server yes)
(xend-unix-server yes)
(xend-unix-path /var/lib/xend/xend-socket)
(xend-address localhost)
(network-script network-bridge)
(vif-script vif-bridge)
(dom0-min-mem 196)
(dom0-cpus 0)
(vncpasswd '')
download from http://open.eucalyptus.com/downloads




















#yum localinstall eucalyptus*

Now start up your Eucalyptus services. On the front-end: 

/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cloud start
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc start
On the node:
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc start
At this point you should be ready to go through the first-time
Point your browser to, https://front-end-ip:8443 Since Eucalyptus is using a self-signed certificate, your browser is likely to prompt you to accept the certificate. On some machines it may take few minutes after the starting of the Cloud Controller for the URL to be responsive the first time you run Eucalyptus. You will be prompted for a user and password both of which are set to admin initially. Upon logging in the first time you will be asked to
  1. change the admin password,
  2. set the admin's email address, and
  3. confirm the IP of the Cloud Controller host.
    #mkdir $HOME/.euca
    #unzip euca2-admin-x509.zip -d $HOME/.euca 
    #. $HOME/.euca/eucarc

    Adding Images

    To enable a VM image as an executable entity, a user/admin must add a root disk image, a kernel/ramdisk pair (ramdisk may be optional) to Walrus and register the uploaded data with Eucalyptus. Each is added to Walrus and registered with Eucalyptus separately, using three EC2 commands. The following example uses the test image that we provide. Unpack it to any directory: #wget http://open.eucalyptus.com/sites/all/modules/pubdlcnt/pubdlcnt.php?file=http://eucalyptussoftware.com/downloads/releases/euca2ools-1.2-centos-i386.tar.gz&nid=3088 #cd euca-centos-5.3-i386
    #euca-bundle-image -i  --kernel true
    #euca-upload-bundle -b  -m /tmp/.manifest.xml
    #euca-register /.manifest.xml
    Next, add the root filesystem image to Walrus: #euca-bundle-image -i #euca-upload-bundle -b -m /tmp/.manifest.xml #euca-register /.manifest.xml Our test kernel does not require a ramdisk to boot. If the administrator would like to upload/register a kernel/ramdisk pair, the procedure is similar to the above: #euca-bundle-image -i --ramdisk true #euca-upload-bundle -b -m /tmp/.manifest.xml #euca-register /.manifest.xml

Sending mails from command line

Sending mails using mail:
mail (mailx is the newer version) is a fantastic program that can be used for sending email from command line or from within scripts.
The following example will send an email to admin@yeswedeal.com, with subject “Apache is down” and text “Please check Apache at host name of the server”
echo “Please check Apache at `hostname`” | mail -s “Apache is down” admin@yeswedeal.com
We can cat the contents of any text file, for example, log file and it will be sent to the recipient specified
cat “/var/log/apache2/error.log” | mail -s “Apache is down” admin@yeswedeal.com
To attach a file, other than a text one, we need to uuencode (unix to unix encode) it before sending
uuencode banner.jpg banner_out.jpg | mail webmaster@yeswedeal.com
The banner.jpg is the name of input file and banner_out.jpg is the output uuencoded file that we will be sent by mail.
To have text sent alogwith the attachment, we can cat or echo that text too
(cat /var/log/apache2/error.log;uuencode banner.jpg banner.jpg) | mail -s pic webmaster@yeswedeal.com

Sending mails from using mutt:
With mutt, its same as using mail.
echo “Please check Apache at `hostname`” | mutt -s “Apache is down” admin@yeswedeal.com
or we can cat the contents of a text file to show as body text
cat /var/log/apache2/error.log | mutt -s “Apache is down” admin@yeswedeal.com
mutt -s “Apache is down” admin@yeswedeal.com
To send an empty body mail, use an empty line as the mail body:
echo | mutt -s “Software upgrades for `hostname`” admin@yeswedeal.com
To attach a binary file, its even easier with mutt, just use the -a option
echo | mutt -s “New logo for the company” -a logo.gif webmaster@yeswedeal.com

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Linux Find FC ID WWNN of a disk/LUN

If your server is connected to more than two SANs of the same type it is really hard to find what disk is on what SAN and how it is connected to your server. You can get the Fiber Channel addresses of the HBAs by typing the following commands:
# systool -c fc_host -v
Type the following command to determine the fibre channel target WWN:
# systool -c fc_transport -v

Monday, October 25, 2010

Change location on Cent OS / RedHat /Fedora

[root@convirt kitbag]# tzselect
Please identify a location so that time zone rules can be set correctly.
Please select a continent or ocean.
 1) Africa
 2) Americas
 3) Antarctica
 4) Arctic Ocean
 5) Asia
 6) Atlantic Ocean
 7) Australia
 8) Europe
 9) Indian Ocean
10) Pacific Ocean
11) none - I want to specify the time zone using the Posix TZ format.
#? 5
Please select a country.
 1) Afghanistan          18) Israel            35) Palestine
 2) Armenia          19) Japan            36) Philippines
 3) Azerbaijan          20) Jordan            37) Qatar
 4) Bahrain          21) Kazakhstan        38) Russia
 5) Bangladesh          22) Korea (North)        39) Saudi Arabia
 6) Bhutan          23) Korea (South)        40) Singapore
 7) Brunei          24) Kuwait            41) Sri Lanka
 8) Cambodia          25) Kyrgyzstan        42) Syria
 9) China          26) Laos            43) Taiwan
10) Cyprus          27) Lebanon            44) Tajikistan
11) East Timor          28) Macau            45) Thailand
12) Georgia          29) Malaysia            46) Turkmenistan
13) Hong Kong          30) Mongolia            47) United Arab Emirates
14) India          31) Myanmar (Burma)        48) Uzbekistan
15) Indonesia          32) Nepal            49) Vietnam
16) Iran          33) Oman            50) Yemen
17) Iraq          34) Pakistan
#? 14

The following information has been given:


Therefore TZ='Asia/Kolkata' will be used.
Local time is now:    Mon Oct 25 14:52:34 IST 2010.
Universal Time is now:    Mon Oct 25 09:22:34 UTC 2010.
Is the above information OK?
1) Yes
2) No
#? 1

You can make this change permanent for yourself by appending the line
    TZ='Asia/Kolkata'; export TZ
to the file '.profile' in your home directory; then log out and log in again.

Here is that TZ value again, this time on standard output so that you
can use the /usr/bin/tzselect command in shell scripts:

Installing Postfix Admin on Cent OS / RedHat / Fedora

1. Install the Postfix Admin requirements using the command below.
#yum install mysql-server php-mysql php-imap httpd postfix dovecot
2. Download the latest stable version of Postfix Admin in .tar.gz format. 
Assuming you got the file postfixadmin-2.3.2.tar.gz and it is located on your Desktop,
 type in the commands below to extract and to put it into its proper directory.
#tar xvfz postfixadmin-2.3.2.tar.gz
#mv postfixadmin-2.3.2 /usr/share/postfixadmin 
#vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/postfixadmin.conf
#  Web application to manage Postfix email server

Directory "/usr/share/postfixadmin"
Order Allow,Deny
Allow from all

Alias /postfixadmin /usr/share/postfixadmin
Alias /PostFixAdmin /usr/share/postfixadmin
Alias /PostfixAdmin /usr/share/postfixadmin

3. Edit the file /usr/share/postfixadmin/config.inc.php and update the following lines below.
$CONF['configured'] = true;
$CONF['postfix_admin_url'] = '/postfixadmin';
$CONF['database_type'] = 'mysqli';
$CONF['database_host'] = 'localhost';
$CONF['database_user'] = 'postfix';
$CONF['database_password'] = 'your_password';
$CONF['database_name'] = 'postfix';
$CONF['domain_path'] = 'YES';
$CONF['domain_in_mailbox'] = 'NO';
$CONF['encrypt'] = 'cleartext';
$CONF['emailcheck_resolve_domain] = 'NO';

#service mysqld start

4.Launch the MySQL command line tool using the command below.
mysql -u root -p

The default root password of MySQL is a blank password. Next, create a 
new MySQL database for Postfix Admin using the commands below.
mysql> CREATE DATABASE postfix;
mysql> CREATE USER postfix@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'your_password';
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON postfix.* TO postfix;

#service httpd start
5.Go to the Postfix Admin setup page at http://localhost/postfixadmin/setup.php and fill in the setup password. Next, click the Generate password hash.
6.Get the generated setup password hash and put it into the file /usr/share/postfixadmin/config.inc.php. Next, fill in the Setup password, Admin and Password and Password (again). Finally, click Add Admin to create a new admin account.
7. Go to the Postfix Admin login page at http://localhost/postfixadmin/ and login using your newly created admin account.