Thursday, October 14, 2010

Xoops Installation on Cent OS/Fedora /RedHat with LAMP

What XOOPS stands for
XOOPS is an acronym of eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System. Though started as a portal system, XOOPS is in fact striving steadily on the track of Content Management System. It can serve as a web framework for use by small, medium and large sites.

A lite XOOPS can be used as a personal weblog or journal. For this purpose, you can do a standard install, and use its News module only. For a medium site, you can use modules like News, Forum, Download, Web Links etc to form a community to interact with your members and visitors. For a large site as an enterprise one, you can develop your own modules such as eShop, and use XOOP's uniform user management system to seamlessly integrate your modules with the whole system.

# rpm -Uhv

#yum install mysql mysql-server httpd php php-mysql php-gd php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc phpmyadmin

#service httpd start

#service mysqld start

#/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password'

#vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpMyAdmin.conf


#unzip -d /var/www/html/

#chmod 777 /var/www/html/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/mainfile.php
#chmod 777 /var/www/html/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/mainfile.dist.php
#chmod 777 /var/www/html/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/uploads/
#chmod  777 /var/www/html/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/include/license.php
#chmod 777 var/www/html/xoops-2.4.5/htdocs/xoops_data/caches/smarty_*

open firefox

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